What Happens to Our Body When We Sleep?

Sleep plays a major role in well-being and good health throughout our life. In fact, the way we feel while being awake depends in part on how well we slept. We all know how lousy we feel when we’re sleep-deprived. When you sleep, your brain recharges, removing hazardous proteins that accumulate during the day as by-products of regular neuronal activity. …

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What Happens in a Single Minute on The Internet?

The Internet is expanding, and it is making the world a global village. As per Internet World Stats, the number of people who have access to the internet and are using it has increased to 4,208,571,287; this makes up roughly 60% of the total world population. As per the research conducted by Cumulus Media a famous radio broadcasting company, every …

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Capture Everything that Happens on Your PC Screen

If we look at the Google searches, many people are looking for a way to record the screen of their computers. A screen recorder for PC comes handy in many purposes like capturing live streams or making your own tutorial videos. Whatever the purpose, it would have been great to have a simple and effective solution that can do the …

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