A Simple Guide to Understanding Tech Support Jargon

For those working in tech support, it can be a pain to explain something to a customer who has zero technical know-how. “What do you mean my computer has bugs? I don’t ever leave it in the garden.” “Did you say I should connect the mouse? Why does that little pest have to do with fixing my computer?” These are …

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Simple Dishwasher Maintenance Tips

The dishwasher filter is located at the bottom of the machine and needs to be cleaned thoroughly every once in a while. The easiest way to clean the filter is to soak it in water and clean the unwanted stuff off with the help of a scrub. The spinning arms are where the debris commonly gets stuck. It can not …

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Combat Foot Problems With One Simple Solution

Foot ailments and infections are really painful to deal with and have the potential to cause long-term damage. Think about it – if you can’t walk comfortably, you’re more likely to stop being physically active, which ultimately will affect your quality of life. This is why foot problems shouldn’t be ignored and all the necessary measures should be taken to …

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Simple Space Saving Hacks That You Must Try

For a majority of people living in cities, finding enough space in their homes to store belongings and evading mess has become an ordeal! Whether you live in a rented place or have bought a small apartment, the hassle is same. As real estate prices surge upwards people are almost forced to buy smaller sized properties and space crunch has …

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