Why do Cyberbullies indulge in Cyberbullying?

Cyber bullying is a menace in our society and one which exists particularly amongst the youth of today, something even which they are aware of. 68% of the youth amongst those who were asked regarding the concept felt it to be very much prevalent in the society and one which is on the rise. When asked why the youth engage …

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M2M By the Numbers

An original and insightful infographic providing the projected machine-to-machine technology growth rate by market, sector, region and country. This infographic was designed by web design Miami company, Pacific54, and published by wholesale air cards distributor, Kika Enterprises, to inform readers of the expansion and advancement of M2M technology (also know as Machine-to-Machine technology). The infographic shares data on the projected …

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The Mobile Productivity Report

We are all connected by mobile, no matter where we are. With a smart phone or a tablet, we can communicate with loved ones as well as get work done anywhere we need. However, we were wondering exactly how mobile has changed how people work so we conducted mass consumer surveys to find out.

UnZip the Power of Real Spying, NSA vs Spy Apps

NSA’s spying when compared to spying apps results in quite a lot of intrigue. The intentions with which either of the two is used are completely different. While the NSA spying is claimed to be used for monitoring to ensure that our safety is maintained and to keep a check over the crime rates, facts about it are still very …

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Six Ways to Get Cash from Your Car

We’ve all been in this place at one point in our lives that we want or need to pay for something that we can’t really afford right away. Buying new furniture, sending your kids to summer camp, going on vacation or simply having to pay some bills that have been piling on our night stand. In any case, if you …

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How To Choose Motorcycle Saddlebgas

Its hard to pick the right saddlebag, trust us. Thankfully for you, we’re the motorcycle luggage experts and we’re here to help. We’ve created a nice infographic that should be able to break things down so that you can narrow down your selections. While shopping for motorcycle saddlebags, you’ll come across many options that are bound to make you wonder …

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107 Amazing Facts & 25 Sensational Years with the Mazda Miata

Take a journey with one of Americas favorite cars, the Mazda Miata. With the recent celebration of its 25th anniversary, we take you through its 25 years and create an emotional connection with the reader by displaying some of the most historical events from the past 25 years. See which historical event you connect with the most and see how …

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Thwarting Cyber Space Invaders

With the progression of technology and the use of the internet cyber attacks and hackings are on the rise. These threats not only affect individuals, but companies and the government as well. In response, a whole industry exists to thwart cyber security threats, making a degree or certificate in cyber security and information assurance a great asset to those entering …

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Run Mobile Apps On Pc

Do you want to Play or Use Mobile Apps on Pc. Well, This Detailed infographic Designed by Appsmino is to let you learn how to download and use mobile apps on pc and that’s all for free. Now you Don’t need to install heavy files which directly affects your computer performance. All you need is simply follow this detailed infographic …

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Latest technological Gadgets for Automotive

We are lucky enough to live in a world where technology is constantly evolving and changing the way we live outlives, and what we put in our vehicles. Technological Gadgets ensure that there is plenty of information available on all the systems to help the customers make up their minds about which equipment they want to buy. Once upon a …

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