7 Ways the Future of Work Will Change the Role of HR

Technology advancements and transformation, changing company culture, emerging business models, tech-based learning and training, and diversity in the workplace are some of the drivers that are honing the future of work. New technologies such as automation generate businesses about 25–60% cost savings. These driving forces indicate that you need to prepare your company for the changes in technologies, tools, and …

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Most Affordable States to Live and Work in 2019

The essence of the American dream is living in a place you love, can afford and being financially secure. But while the American dream is an aspiration shared by citizens from sea to shining sea, this ideal masks the huge disparities that exist between the different states in the journey to realizing the dream. An income that would be barely …

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Women in Travel: How to Protect Yourself When Traveling for Work

Women travelers should take extra cautious during their trips, even though security has been continually integrated through technology, there are still people who have bad intentions to people who travel. Being smart and cautious with the resources you have during your trips is the best way to mend a risky disruption. Disruptions like harassment, pickpocket, and assault can be easily …

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What is a Business Cash Advance and how does it work?

SME’s often struggle to find the funding they need for their business. With many business finance options available, we take a look at a business cash advance and how it works. A business cash advance is type of finance designed for businesses that accept card payments through a card machine such as shops, restaurants, hairdressers, garages and online traders. The business receives a cash …

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How does insulation work

Its simple, insulation generally works by resisting the flow of heat. Heat, as we know it, is a form of energy that always seeks a cooler area. Therefore, in your home, during winter, it will flow outwards, while in summer, it will flow inward. Insulation, slows down the flow of heat, due to this, your heating and cooling systems will …

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Health & Safety at Work: When Employers Are Negligent

Going through an accident at work can be traumatic and shocking. What’s more, it can take a long time for you to get your life back on track, especially if you have suffered from a severe accident and your doctor has advised that you cannot return to work right away. This is why, after you have sought medical advice, you …

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Benefits of having friends at work

If you are like most adults, you spend a disproportionate amount of time at work. Your environment and relationships at work end up having an immense impact on your life. Some company culture’s advocate for a work-life balance in which your personal life and career will never interfere with each other. After reviewing the data, we are confident in our …

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Nightmares at Work (Halloween Edition)

The most horrible nightmares are those that can happen every day to everyone, right? So now that Halloween is just around the corner, we took a small survey and asked our colleagues and friends what were the scariest things they ever experienced. We were also curious about the things that made them shiver even at the very idea that they …

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The Challenges of BYOD

Every business faces BYOD challenges, and with every passing day more threats and security measures emerge. Bring your own device began as a trend and has morphed into a staple in the business world. Smartphones can be a significant security risk because they rarely have the strong security your business requires in the office. Simple problems like employees using old …

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How Does Alevere Therapy Work?

Alevere Therapy isn’t a day to day thing that you’ll hear. Although, it is taking over the nation. Due to the easy step-by-step formula in which the course follows, it is easy the best way in which to lose weight for people who often give up their healthy kicks just days after starting due to increasing pressures. The infographic showcases …

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