The Most Searched Type Of Jewellry On Google

Using analytical feedback from the leading SERP, Google, we have collated the types of jewellery people most often search for, below. This data has been rounded to the nearest 1,000 for the purposes of clarity. As you can see from the figures above, there were a few surprises in there. For example, that there were 12,000 searches for pendants. With …

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What Makes Custom Jewellery a Great Choice for Your Mask-on OOTD

If you are in a stable relationship, proposing might have already crossed your mind a couple of times. And if by any chance, you feel like you are now emotionally, mentally, and physically prepared to pop that question and take your relationship to the next level, you probably would want it to be flawless. To do that, you can either …

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What Makes a Fine Looking Custom Made Jewellery?

When it comes to buying belongings, people are now inclined to a more personalized approach. This consumer behavior is seen in jewellery lovers who want their personality, style, and, most importantly, preferences to show in the kind of jewellery they want to purchase. Over the years, there has been a rise in custom made jewellery as consumers seek ways to …

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2021 Engagement Ring Trends

In recent years, engagement rings are known as a symbol of luxury and extravagance. From sparkling gems to precious stones, it is one way to express how precious their significant others are. However, the first history of engagement rings was actually more romantic than you think. The history of engagement depends on the culture and the time period which it …

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You Are 10 Simple Steps Away From Your Complete Beardover

1. The Right Tools for the Right Job beard trimmer / clipper beard comb / brush beard shaping tool scissors beard oil mirror 2.The Right Beard for Your Face Shape The first thing is identifying your face shape. Measure the distance between your cheekbones, forehead, and jawline. After that, the distance between your chin and crown. The longest measurement tells …

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The Best Hair Clippers for Home Use

Hair clippers are crucial in men’s grooming nowadays. Buying your first hair clippers for home use is one big investment that you will be making so allow us to be a huge part of this nerve-wracking experience. Our heavily researched articles will help you get through your screening process in finding the perfect kind and brand tailored-fit to your needs. …

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‘Fashion’ has become a buzzword not only among adults but also among kids. From tiny tots to young teens, little girls have a natural flair to look charming and adorable in the latest trendy outfits. While attending any function – be it birthday parties, weddings, school events or Holy Communion, your little daughter will grab eyeballs when she is attired …

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The Trends of 2015 in Fancy Dress

2015 was a busy year! What with advances in technology and new products like the Apple Watch, blockbuster movies such as Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and the Minions, celebrity moments like Madonna kissing Drake, and virals like the infamous ‘Dressgate’ saga, there’s lots to remember. Not forgetting the fact that both Madonna and Dave Grohl managed to fall off …

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Fashion Infographic: If Twiggy went shopping in 2015

Fashion Infographic about Women Clothes – If Twiggy went shopping in 2015 – Made by Winser London. This Infographic includes U.S. and UK. Fashion icons and celebrities from 1960s, such as Jane Birkin, Jane Fonda, Vivienne Westwood, Edie Sedgwick and Twiggy. In this infographic, these fashion icons are being compared to those of 2015, such as Ellie Goulding, Rosie Huntington …

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