How Generative AI is Shaping the Future of Talent

Generative AI impact

Generative AI has transformed talent management by streamlining processes and enhancing decision-making. With AI-powered talent management tools, organizations are redefining talent acquisition, learning and development, HR operations, employee relations, compensation, and workforce planning. Let’s explore the impact of Generative AI in each of these areas and its contribution to creating a thriving work environment. As technology continues to evolve, the …

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What is Tokenization and How Does it Work?

What is Tokenization and How Does it Work

On average, it costs a business $4.24 million if they have a data breach. Most companies can’t afford to spend $4.24 million. Entrepreneurs and business leaders don’t have time to mess around with online security. Firewalls, employee training, and anti-virus programs all help security, but businesses can take it a step further with tokenization. Tokenization is confusing at the surface, …

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What is Affiliate Marketing and How Does it Work?


Technological advancements have greatly transformed the marketing industry. The internet has proved to be a great place for advertising and selling goods. More and more businesses continue to set up their operations over the internet. This has led to increased competition for customers. What will set you apart is your marketing strategies such as affiliate marketing. Affiliate Marketing? What is …

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How Does Solar Power Compare To Other Renewables?


It’s no secret that solar power is one of the best sources of renewable energy, but are there other options? And how do they compare to solar? Wind energy – is a very sustainable energy source. It is cheap to run, has little impact on the environment and even contributes to the national grid. However, it relies on wind to …

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How Small Businesses Can Improve Customer Support

Running a small company is no little endeavor. Whatever business you’re in, one of the most crucial issues is how can you make your product or service stand out amid the competition? Needless to say that attempting to compete with the big-box retailers and giant organizations in terms of price is fighting a lost battle. The good news is that …

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How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain?

More than 85% of adults report drinking alcohol at some point in their lives. This practice is not considered bad until it goes over the board. But how much alcohol can lead to negative consequences, particularly to the brain? Slurred speech, difficulties with balance and coordination, noticeable impairment of motor functions and vision, memory loss – obviously, alcohol affects the …

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How eCommerce is Becoming More Sustainable

Online shopping should be done more responsibly, and positive steps are already being taken to bring this to fruition. Sustainable commerce now has a growing trend called recommerce – the buying and selling of second hand goods. Much of this includes second hand electronics and apparel but could apply to other ecommerce categories as well. A notable example of how …

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How Cryptocurrency Is Changing eCommerce

Here is a good looking infographic from the London based website designers called VizionOnline which provides lots of facts about how cryptocurrency is changing the eCommerce industry. The design is broken down into categories including the crypto explosion, the benefits of cryptocurrency for eCommerce, cryptocurrencies risks and shortfalls and more. Infographic Source:

How Long Does Ground Coffee Last?

When we have coffee grounds more than we need in our hand, the first question pop up in our mind, “How long this is gonna last?” Well, there is no direct answer to that.  It varies on different parameters. If you keep them in an open container or jar in your kitchen, you will get the best result for 2-3 …

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How Does Search Engine Ranking Impact Click-Through-Rate?

This infographic shows very clearly how a difference of just one or two ranking positions in the SERPs (search engine results pages) can greatly affect how many click-throughs a website may get. On average, if your link appears at #1 on page one of Google, your website’s click-through-rate will be around 35%, whereas ranking at #10 will give you a …

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