Benefits of Buying Used Appliances

Appliances like refrigerator, washing machine, oven, microwave etc makes our lives more easy and comfortable. But a brand new appliance can be a tough job on a tight budget. You can also purchase used appliances instead of buying new appliances. It could be very cost-effective to get the most out of the household budgets. Buying used appliances can help you …

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Can We Guess Your Age

Hop into your time machine and pretend you’re a child again. Think about the items in your home. Dial up internet, phones with cords and black and white TVs. Your home was filled with appliances, furniture and electronics that were unique to your era. Take our quiz to see if hhgregg can guess your age based on the products in …

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Understanding Home Warranties – Structural vs. Appliances

Structural warranties protect your savings by covering the integral components of a home such as: windows, siding and stucco, plumbing systems, and more. A structural warranty is different from a systems and appliances warranty in that it doesn’t cover appliances like dishwashers or microwaves. If you’re in the market for a new home, check out this infographic on structural warranties …

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5 Small Kitchen Appliances Great for Thanksgiving

Are you wondering how to make cooking Thanksgiving dinner quicker and less painful? Check out this list of the top five small kitchen appliances and what you can use them for from Abt. There are also some fun facts and figures about what people eat on Thanksgiving. From the obvious tip, like using a food processor to make cranberry relish, …

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