How to Use Freight Factoring for Your Trucking Business Plan

Is Your Business Plan Bringing You Success? Are you a start-up trucking company, or do you need more trucks to grow your business? Do you find it difficult to meet expenses on time? A well constructed business plan will help you achieve your goals. Preparing a plan will help you define your business’ direction, objectives and strategies to guide you …

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3 Most Common Freight Forwarding Scams and How to Avoid Them

Most importers and exporters have sufficient knowledge of what makes a reputable freight forwarding company. However, despite the presence of knowledge sharing platforms that discusses these qualities, far too many import and export business still fall victim to fraudulent freight forwarders. For the past recent years, freight forwarding scam cases have been on the rise, mainly due to the new …

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How To Be A Successful Freight Broker

This infographic describes about  6 of the most quoted advice’s that freight brokers should keep in mind in order to run their business successfully. A number of skills are needed to be a successful freight broker: they are in the field of marketing, networking, continuing education and the use of technology. Infographic Source :