How To Select Licensing Model

Labs64 NetLicensing enables you to monetize your products and services by licensing them to companies or individuals. The basic premise of licensing is that it enables you to make your product or service available to as many people as possible, through a payment system that makes it affordable but which also enables you to make a healthy profit. This infographic …

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How to Implement Change Initiatives Through Upper Management

Often times we find that we fear change. Change represents risk, uncertainty, and no guarantee that things will be succeed. But what’s the opposite of change? Stagnation. And while stagnation brings no risks, it does come with a guaranteed lack of relevancy and a decline in progress. In business, change is necessary to evolve, adapt, and grow to meet the …

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How to Annoy a Photographer?

Photographers are a mixed bunch. Equipment, genre, style, approach, experience, training, there are so many variables that it attracts a variety of different characters. Then there’s everyone else, customers, guests, passers-by… With all innocence and the best intentions, some people just have unrealistic expectation or simply try to hard to strike up conversation with an eagerness to relate to the …

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Making the most out of your Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships can be quite nerve-wracking for many ex students looking to get their first real-life on the job experience in a dream career. Aside from a completely new experience, apprentices are also keen to impress, but how can they stand out in a busy office environment, add value to the business instead of being a drain on resources and perhaps …

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Common Moving Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Moving is a huge endeavor and requires much planning. From not booking your movers far enough in advance, to forgetting to plan for moving your pets, to not getting your utilities set up before you move, poor planning can make your move much more stressful than it needs to be. That’s where MoveEasy comes in. Find moving companies online, compare …

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How To Choose PDF Password Protection For Your Documents

Every organization is having nightmares with their data security concerns. Data security, document security, spying, hacking are the major concerns that are effecting the progress of each and every organization. Why do we need security of our data or documents is an important questions. Every year millions of dollars are lost due to spying, hacking and data breach. Many individual …

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Help! I Dropped My iPhone in Water!

This infographic is a step-by-step guide for salvaging your Apple iPhone if you have happened to drop it in water. This guide gives you the best solutions for trying to prevent any damage that submerging your iPhone in water might cause. This guide is also applicable to basically any kind of smartphone that has accidentally been dropped in water. This …

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How To Find A Hostel

When you are searching for a hostel at new place it some more difficult to get information about the hostel. Here you can find the tips for how to find a hostel. Apps: Do you have any smartphone? Of course nowadays almost everyone using smart phones. Many apps available on the app store to find a hostel. By using these …

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