10 Tips for Selling Your House Like a Pro

If you’re considering selling your home soon, you may want to take on the task yourself. Placing your home on the market without completely relying on a real estate agent may seem a little daunting, but you can pull it off if you keep some important tips in mind.
Here are 10 ways you can sell your house like a pro.
House for sale
1. Make a Great First Impression
Remember that you only have one chance to make a first impression. Buyers have already judged the home by the outside, so make sure the lawn is neat and your garden or shrubs are trimmed. Be sure your home is free of dust and clutter and add a vase of fresh flowers or even a light refreshment like cookies to make buyers feel more comfortable while walking through your home.
2. Make Sure Your Closet Is Half-Empty
Most buyers are looking for adequate storage in their potential new home. Take half of the items out of your closet and make sure the remaining items are neatly organized. Keep in mind that all potential buyers will snoop through your closets, so you want the closet to be as neat as possible.
3. Play Up the Lighting
Make the most of the lighting in your home. Next to location, good lighting is one of the things that buyers want in a new home. Clean your windows, change your lampshades, and take the curtains down. It’s also a good idea to buy light bulbs with a higher wattage and trim the shrubs outside to make it easier for the sun to peek through the windows. This adds a cheery feeling to your home and makes it more appealing.
4. Select the Right Broker
If you select the wrong broker to assist you with the home selling process can be a huge mistake. Your broker should be informed and monitor the MLS to know which homes are going on the market in your region or neighborhood. Your broker should also be tech-savvy and have a variety of tools to get your house sold as soon as possible.
5. Price Your Home Accurately
If you’re looking to sell your house fast in San Antonio, make sure you research to find out how much your home is worth. Once you have a number, take 15 to 20 percent off your asking price. When people express interest in buying your home, they may be willing to pay more to make sure they win the bidding war.
6. Keep Your Pets Hidden
Even though you think your adorable dog or cat may make your home more appealing, but it’s best to keep your pets concealed while potential buyers are viewing your home. Buyers may be turned off if they smell kitty litter or see a bowl of dog food when they enter and may get the impression that the house isn’t clean. send your furry friends to a pet hotel or let them stay with a loved one on days when you’re showing the house.
7. Don’t Add Too Many Upgrades
It’s a good idea to make a few quick repairs when you’re putting your home on the market. However, keep the upgrades minimal so you can get the best price for your home without investing too much in repairs. Give the walls a fresh coat of paint, fix leaky faucets, and replace your door and cabinet handles to give your home more visual appeal.
8. Remove Personal Accents from Your Home
You have to depersonalize your home to make it more attractive to buyers. The people who are looking at your home want to be able to picture themselves in it. You may even want to hire a home stager to ensure that all the appealing features of your home are easy to see.
9. Remember the Kitchen Comes First
Some real estate agents assert that you’re not selling your home, you’re selling the kitchen. The kitchen is arguably the most important room in your home. If you decide to remodel the kitchen at any point during your stay, you’ll likely get 85% of your money back. Add a backsplash, update your countertops, and place one high-end appliance on the counter. This makes buyers think every appliance in your kitchen high-quality.
10. Make Sure Your Home Is Always Ready to Show
Your home should be ready to show at all times, so keep the house clean and free of clutter. You should also make sure you’re on call any time someone wants to see the house, so you may have to ask family members or friends to be ready to show the home for you if you’re at work or running errands.
These helpful tips can reduce the time your home is on the market and help you sell your home for your desired price.

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