10 Ways Beer Makes You Healthier

Move over red wine, there is a new sheriff in town! How many of you beer lovers out there get sick of hearing about how healthy wine is and how terrible beer is? Well, we did and decided to do something about it! We’ve detailed the top 10 reasons why beer is actually healthy for you and organized the list in the form of an infographic, Did you know beer can prevent kidney stones? Did you know beer is high in vitamin B which is attributed to healthy brain function? How about some of the antioxidants in beer being a common cold killer? Beer contains soluble fiber from the malt, which is essential to the brewing process and aids in overall gastrointestinal health. Stress, bones, running, and hearts. Craft beer lovers can probably tell you the difference between lager, ales, Belgium’s, and IPA’s – what food to pair your favorite porter with, but many beer drinkers are not familiar with the health benefits when consumed in moderation of course!Beer Makes You Healthier
Infographic Source: http://www.webstaurantstore.com/blog/1886/10-ways-beer-makes-you-healthier.html

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