Every house has mold. You should always be aware of the possibility that your house may get infected by the mold. If the mold is not visible in a living area, I bet there is mold in your cellar.
Thankfully, some of the mold types are not dangerous for your health, but some of them really can cause a bad influence on your health.
Especially if you are prone to allergies, the mold can contribute to their enhanced effect.
There are three types of molds with regard to what kind of impact they have on your health: allergic, pathogenic and toxic.
Also, there are many types of molds that can be found in the house, which also depends on the type of house.
Considering the above, on the infographic will be shown the 12 most typical types of mold, in which places in the house are the most important ones, what is their impact on human health.
Also, this infographics will provide you with information on how and in which way you can best solve the problem with mold.
Infographic Source: https://www.airpurifierfirst.com/blog/12-types-of-mold-founded-in-home/