15 Flavourful Salt Alternatives

Salt is one of the most important spices we add in our daily diet. Salt is an essential mineral-rich in sodium and potassium while low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Salt poses numerous health benefits when consumed in moderation.
Salt has antibacterial as well as healing properties and also anti-inflammatory properties. With all these benefits, salt, however, when consumed in large amounts can cause severe health risks. Good news is that even if your taste buds crave a salty taste, you can enhance the food by using salt-alternatives.
Salt-alternatives are for those people who want to completely cut down on salt due to dietary or medical reasons. Nonetheless, if you are already considering canned foods or processed packaged ones, it is time to drop those as they contain a high amount of sodium which is extremely harmful to health.
Another reason to cut down salt is that salt if taken below 5 grams can help in lowering the risks of blood pressure and heart diseases including heart strokes and attacks. The following salt-alternatives mentioned in this infographic are safe, nutritious as well as healthy to be incorporated in your diet.
15 Flavourful Salt Alternatives
Infographic Source: https://fandbrecipes.com/salt-alternatives/

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