Big tech conferences are held every year around the world. They unite thousands of attendees for sharing experience, making acquaintances or finding investors. Visiting such events provide many benefits and opportunities to broaden your business vistas. All you need to succeed on any tech conference is just define your goals and carefully prepare with your speech and promo materials for meetings.
Depend on goals you also need to choose the right people to network. Who knows, maybe they may have a crucial effect on your future deals? Based on Redwerk’s experience of participation in such conferences as Web Summit, Collision, CEBIT, CES, MWC, and TOA, also in even running events on our own, we decide to portray 15 types of people you’ll see at every tech conference. We met all of them at least one, and sure you met them, too!
Check out the infographics. Maybe you will find yourself there?
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