4 Surprising Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

One of the commonly found chemicals in the home has to be hydrogen peroxide. It has been used for centuries for various reasons, and that just goes to show you how essential it is in the home. Here are some of the uses of hydrogen peroxide that you might not have known about.

What Kind of Hydrogen Peroxide Is Safe To Use?

Even though hydrogen peroxide comes in handy around the home, it can be dangerous when used incorrectly. According to Pure Chem Co, 35% H2O2 “is a common disinfecting liquid used in many industries, including personal care, cooking, cosmetics, cleaning, gardening, and the manufacturing of chemicals.” When using hydrogen peroxide in the home, the concentration might be too high, and it might cause more harm and good. To ensure you are using it right, mix 1 part 35% hydrogen peroxide with 11 parts of water. That way, you end up with about 3% to 5% hydrogen peroxide. Once you have that concentration, you can then go ahead and use it around your home.

Used To Clean Fruits

Before your fruits and vegetables get to your table, they have gone through many processes that often involve chemicals and fertilizer. Many of these processes make the food dangerous to eat and can cause stomach issues. While washing with water gets rid of such dirt, it does not reduce the contaminants sprayed on your products. Passing a third of a cup of hydrogen peroxide to your water will help you deal with that. Your vegetables will be clean and safe for use around the house.

Used To Remove Blood Stains

Whether it’s caused by a wound or period stains, clothes might get some blood on them at any given time in the home. While hand washing might help fade the stains, they will not completely remove them. In such a scenario, it helps if you can get hydrogen peroxide. All you have to do is rinse the fabric with cold water to get rid of some blood. Once that is done, pour a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide on the stain and let it sit for a while.

Clean out your fabric as you would, and you will notice that the stain is gone. You can also do the same on furniture. Simply wipe off the area, then pour some drops of the H2O2 on the area. After a while, you can wipe it off, and your seat will be as good as new.

Cleaning Your Home Appliances

There is nothing as annoying as is having a musty-smelling dishwasher or an oven with stains from last thanksgiving. If you realize that there are stains in your appliances no matter what you do, then you need to take a more aggressive approach to the cleaning. Take a third of a cup of hydrogen peroxide, water, and lemon and put it in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture in areas in your oven or dishwater and let it stay for a couple of minutes. You will realize that the stains in the appliance will come off easily when you wipe it down.

Use a cloth dipped in clean water to wipe the surface again and leave the appliance open to completely dry out. You will notice that the musty smell that was there will go away. Doing this when deep cleaning will ensure that your appliances stay clean and not become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Bleach Your Hair

If you love doing your hair at home, chances are you must have tried bleaching it once or twice. Many times people are unable to properly bleach their hair because they do not have the right material. One of the things you can use to bleach your hair is hydrogen peroxide.

Many salons use it to lift the color of hair so it will work. All you have to do is follow the instructions for bleaching using hydrogen peroxide. It will ensure that you do not damage your hair or scalp and still get your desired results.

Hydrogen peroxide plays such an important role in the home. If you are looking for a multipurpose household chemical, you should stock up on hydrogen peroxide. It will come in handy in more areas than one. Ensure that you store it away from children and pets as it is harmful when ingested.

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