5 Ways to Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

People are spending an increasing amount of time inside, and the quality of the air they breathe is becoming a growing concern, particularly given that poor indoor air quality may cause various short- and long-term health issues.

Whether you reside in an apartment or a house, you can take various proactive measures to enhance your indoor air quality and ensure that it stays as uncontaminated as possible.


1. Regulate Indoor Relative Humidity and Temperature

Mold and bacteria thrive in moist, warm, and dark conditions. And if you supply one, they will gladly inhabit your house. While it is preferable to prepare for optimal humidity and temperature management during the design and construction stages of a new place, several methods exist to enhance the climate of an existing home to prevent mold and bacterial development.

Sealing windows and doors In addition to preventing many common pollutants from entering your home, double-pane windows may also assist in maintaining your desired temperature and humidity levels. Bathrooms, kitchens, and basements, which may get moist, need some ventilation; nevertheless, a well-sealed living area is generally preferable.

2. Allow Fresh Air In

Ventilation plays a significant role in sustaining indoor air quality. It expels contaminants and “bad” air and introduces clean air. If your house has central air conditioning and heating, scrutinize its ventilation.

Every three months, replace the HVAC filters and clean the vents to prevent dust from accumulating and spreading throughout the house. The air ducts should be cleaned every five years. You may also install fans in each room of your house to keep the air flowing. Just ensure they are clean. Fans on the ceiling and the floor are a preferred home for dust bunnies.

Allow your home to breathe. You may lower indoor air contaminants by increasing the quantity of outside air entering the building.

Air purifiers can help improve indoor air quality and the air circulation in your home. If you have many pets or severe allergies, adding an air purifier to your clean air solutions might be beneficial throughout the year. Depending on your choice, air cleaners may clean the air in a single or numerous rooms.

3. Manage the Humidity in Your House

Mold and mildew, which may exacerbate respiratory disorders such as allergies and asthma, thrive in humid and wet environments. Depending on your region, the sweltering summer months might be very sticky. Using a few dehumidifiers, there will be a reduction in the quantity of moisture in the air and prevent the formation of molds. Several humidifiers are available to maintain standard humidity levels and promote pleasant living conditions in the house.

4. Don’t Smoke Inside

Both smoking and secondhand smoke are hazardous to one’s health. Cigarettes and cigarette smoke contain toxic substances that may cause illness. Children and adults exposed to secondhand smoking are more likely to develop heart disease. In addition, children are more prone to have ear infections, lung infections, asthma, and allergies.

If you are unable to stop smoking, avoid smoking in your house. Always go outside, regardless of the weather or discomfort. Ensure all doors and windows are shut to prevent smoke from entering your home.

5. Change to Natural Substitutes

Cleaning supplies and personal care items may include toxic chemicals that continue releasing poisons into the air long after being used. This is particularly true for fragrant substances such as candles, incense, perfumes, and air fresheners. Particularly combustible materials release carbon monoxide and other volatile organic molecules.

Even cleaning and personal care products that do not send particles into the air may impact indoor air quality. It is healthy knowledge that scented items contain and release more significant amounts of volatile organic molecules.

While more and more of these goods are being advertised as “natural,” it is crucial to remember that marketing terminology is subjective. What one company considers natural may be poisonous to you. Whenever possible, clean with simple water and minimal amounts of essential soap.

Your indoor air is so much more contaminated than the air outside because the sun and plants help filter and purify the air in the natural environment. While indoor plants and open windows may assist, you may want to invest in an energy recovery ventilator to prevent bringing in outdoor temperatures with the air.

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