Productivity is key to making the most of your time studying or working. Tired of long hours? Have a look at this practical infographic presenting six ways of improving your productivity – all based on science and recent findings from psychological and neurobiological research.
The infographic will show you how to organize your activity in order to stay productive all the time – a little clue, breaks are essential to keeping you focused. Actually, the best technique out there has been practiced by world-class violinists – simple, but effective.
Other than that, you’ll see why music can be important for everyday productivity and why keeping cute little YouTube animals somewhere close will help you to pay more attention when completing tasks that should be handled with care.
The infographic will also demonstrate why multitasking is not a good idea for achieving more in less time, and show you how to benefit from best technique for recharging your batteries and improving your cognitive capabilities – napping. Being fit and healthy is also crucial to maintaining high level of productivity – and what is a better way to do that than exercise?
The infographic will give you pointers on how to keep fit at your workplace and boost your potential for productivity.