7 Reasons Why You Should Remove a Tree

Whilst we try not to chop down trees, sometimes a tree needs to be felled due to danger, disease, inconvenience or other reasons. In this infographic, we outline the various reasons to remove a tree in more detail. Some of the main causes in Australia to remove a tree, is that it has been damaged by a thunderstorm and poses a fall risk to property and people below. This is the most common reason we remove trees. Another common reason is that a property is about to be sold, and the owner wants to improve the sale value of the home by ‘opening it up’. Whilst not the best reason to remove a tree, we must oblige and do the job to our best ability. Diseased trees also need to be removed often. When a tree becomes diseased, it loses strength and weakens significantly. This also becomes a safety risk to property and people who live near the tree. We hope you enjoy our infographic.
7 Reasons Why You Should Remove a Tree
Infographic Source: https://bandrtreeservices.com.au/blog/51-7-reasons-why-you-should-remove-a-tree

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