7 Technologies Disrupting the Finance Industry

Here’s a surprising fact, according to Gartner only 12% of financial institutions are mature in their digital transformation. While it may seem that the financial industry is one of the most advanced industries in adapting to new technological advancements, it still has a lot of catching up to do.
For instance, when cryptocurrencies like bitcoin started booming, the initial responses of the companies were either denying their legitimacy or finding a way to regulate them just like stocks and other securities. It’s only been in recent years when banks started to consider how they can implement it themselves, if they should start investing their capital in it, and if they should start tracking cryptocurrency commodities.
Cryptocurrency is just one of the many developing and emerging technologies that can affect how financial companies and governing bodies operate. There’s no denying that these technologies are here to stay due to digital inclination of customers today.
Here’s an infographic made by Prototype, a digital transformation agency, about the top technologies and predictions about the financial industry.
7 Technologies Disrupting the Finance Industry
Infographic Source: https://prototype.net/blog/technologies-disrupting-the-finance-industry-infographic

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