71 Free Online Courses and Tutorials You Haven’t Tried Before

The World Wide Web is a limitless source of knowledge. Its information travels fast and changes constantly, enabling technology to make education more accessible than ever before. But don’t get lost in the web on your search; the results can be overwhelming to sort through. Identify your desired subject and check out this helpful infographic.

They have narrowed down 71 free courses (that you probably haven’t tried) into 7 categories: Programming and design, business and marketing, humanities and social sciences, math and physical science, life sciences and health, personal development and lifestyle. Each category includes various lessons with clickable title links to connect directly to their sites.

At the top of the infographic you will see a computer screen full of icons. Click these icons for direct access to better-known educational sites, but remember all categories listed within this infographic could be beneficial to anyone. There is a wide range of topics and levels to choose from.

With Programming and design courses help you to obtain knowledge of modern programming terms and to establish user interface (UI) design talents. The business and marketing tutorials will enrich your overall professional performance and teach the essential talents necessary to achieve success in the competitive world of business.

Humanities and social sciences include lessons in culture, development and psychology and the math and physical sciences category include courses in geometry, astronomy and chemistry. These lessons expand understanding of history, mathematics and the world. Learn to recognize associations between distinctive ideas and cultivate better persuasive skills to access a world of opportunity.

Life sciences and health are also useful for anyone, no matter the age or profession. Study first aid, proper nutrition, environmental health and the human body. And the personal development courses combine information on how to stay organized and how to better manage your time. Learn to create natural habits that will boost your self-confidence and nurture your life progress.

The lifestyle courses and tutorials include a variety of topics. You can study creative writing, music, dance, photography, yoga and cooking to enhance any passion. Try something new and discover fresh talents. The lessons focus on bringing beauty, peace and happiness to the human existence. And they allow you all students to foster their own creativity from any computer.

Learning online has given people the ability to create their own educational structure and pace. This freedom to study when and how one needs is making it feasible for everyone to pass online courses, in any possible field. With eLearning you can better manage your time and focus to increase your learning experience.

Connecting and communicating is easy and simple, especially if you know where to look. We must choose to educate ourselves every day and there is always new information on the horizon. Innovative material becomes available daily, but these 71 online courses are a great place to start. Shorten your search and push your education to the next level.

71 Free Online Courses and Tutorials
Infographic Source : https://www.essaymama.com/blog/71-free-online-courses-and-tutorials-you-haven_t-tried-before/

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