A Guide to Chromotherapy

Hydrotherapy has many health benefits, from decreasing stress to improving blood circulation. While hydrotherapy is great on its own, it can also be combined with other types of therapy, such as chromotherapy or aromatherapy.
Chromotherapy is the practice of using color therapy to treat health ailments and provide a number of wellness benefits. Plus, it can be incorporated in many aspects of your life, from the colors in your home to the outfits you wear. For example, if you’re getting ready for a big presentation, wear black or red to inspire confidence. Or, if you want to relax and unwind, paint your bedroom blue or green. Although these color changes might seem minor, they will impact how you feel, act, and approach your day.
Lastly, one of the best ways to enjoy chromotherapy is in a bath or sauna. Combined with the many health benefits of a bath, these two therapies work well hand in hand. Have you tried incorporating chromotherapy into your life yet?
Learn more about chromotherapy in our infographic below!
A Guide to Chromotherapy
Infographic Source: https://walkintubs.americanstandard-us.com/chromotherapy-infographic

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