The A To Z Guide On Bringing Home A Rescue Dog

Nothing can compete with the excitement of taking home a new pet. Well, this is the only time when you get to pick who you’d like to welcome into your family and mind you, making the leap is surely thrilling!
That said, having those little paws follow you everywhere in the house is not just fun, but also offers you with an array of benefits. As a result, it comes as no surprise that just about 3 quarters of families have adopted at least 1 pet.
Around 3 million rescue pets are being adopted every year, but that is still leaving plenty of others without any shelter. Even though more and more people have started taking the idea of ‘adopt don’t shop’ more seriously, there’s a lot that needs to be done.
Of course, getting home a rescue pet is by far the best way to add a new member to your family. But, it’s also one of those options that fall easy on your pockets, as the charges of adopting a pet are reasonably priced when compared to buying from some breeder.
Now, keeping that in mind, in this article we’ve put together a comprehensive guide covering every essential aspect from things to do before the adoption process to how you can create a lively environment for your Fido. By following these points to the T, you’ll able to get through the entire process without any hurdles.
Conduct thorough research and gather as many details as possible
When it comes to adopting a rescue dog, in almost every other case, you aren’t entirely sure about their past life. This entails crucial information like their age, whether they’re a pure or mixed breed, why was the dog walked out on in the first place and a few other things. Even if you manage to get at least some information from the rescue shelter, you’re still very much in the dark.
Now, this is reason enough for you to spend as much time as possible with your pooch before bringing them home – you’ll certainly want to know more about their mannerisms so as to be certain that you can support them in the near future.
Moreover, it’s essential for you to bear in mind that the behaviour of a dog could be completely different in the shelter than how it acts in your home.
You don’t really know what you’re signing up for when bringing a rescue pet home and that explains why it’s of the utmost importance for you to carry out all-inclusive research and to not rush into things.
Purchase all the essential supplies
Once you’ve made up your mind to rescue a pooch, the next step would be to ensure that you’ve purchased all the required dog supplies. These mainly include bed, collar, leash, toys, water bowl and tags, to name a few.
Apart from their everyday essentials, you’ve also got to buy certain grooming accessories like dog shampoos, pet clippers and nail trimmers among the others, if you wish to groom your pooch at home.
Prepare your house for the dog
Now that you’ve bought all the items that your pooch might need, it’s time for you to pet-proof your house. As most dogs are inquisitive by nature, they’re likely to sniff every nook and corner of your space the moment they’re let in the house. That said, you ought to ensure that all your rooms are free of dirt as well as pet-friendly.
However, if your dog loves spending most of its time outdoors, make sure your yard doesn’t have any plants that can be a threat to their health. Also, see to it that you’re keeping chemicals far from their reach and not letting them anywhere near dangerous items and human food.
Lay ground rules beforehand
Before you actually bring your four-legged companion home, see to it that every member of your family is geared up to take the challenge that comes with a rescue pet. Lay certain ground rules with them and have a clear notion of what is and isn’t okay with your dog.
Also, decide upon who’ll be shouldering the responsibility of feeding the pet and who’ll look after all its cleaning.
Having behavioural expectations in place from day one itself will help your pooch get used to it right away – and who knows, these rules might even end up helping you select the right dog.
However, what matters is to be sure that everyone is content with the role they’ve got so that they’re consistent with it.
Gradually introduce your pet to the family
Who wouldn’t want their dog to mesh with other pets and family members in the very first instance; but sadly, that’s not how it usually works! It is highly likely, up to a certain amount of time, for them to be stressed and scared over a few things – again, this is quite normal, be it a rescue dog or not.
Since you, your house and your family all are absolutely new to the dog, in the initial stages, it could be a lot for them to handle. Due to this, you’ve got to ensure that you’re letting your pooch take their own sweet time to get accustomed to the new environment. Just let them be and don’t force them into anything. After a brief period of time, they’ll feel comfortable and start being their usual self.
Keep it one day/thing at a time
Moving to a completely new place is quite overwhelming not just for us humans, but also for rescue pets. That said, it makes more sense for you to let your pooch take up the idea of “one day/thing at a time” – but what’s more important is for you to have patience throughout the process.
It is better that you gradually acquaint your dog with the insides of your home, particularly the place where it’ll be living, and let them spend a few minutes in each room.
Next, start introducing your family members to the dog, but again it must be one individual at a time. When in the process, make sure it’s your pet who makes the first move and not the other person. And if you have kids at home, see to it that they’re being kind to the pet.
Needless to say, these introductions between kids and pets must be done in the presence of an adult.
Once your four-legged buddy has become used to the people and its surrounding, it’ll start to act normally. Now, for the amount of time it’ll take, it’s all based on a couple of aspects, like its age, the breed type and the trauma (if any) its been through. Just be patient through it all!
Bringing home a rescue dog has become a popular trend of joining the club of pet ownership. Nonetheless, it’s necessary for you to be mindful of all the potential hazards and challenges that come with it.
Now, although owning and looking after a rescue dog is a rewarding experience, it does come with its own set of responsibilities. So, always get into it with a solid plan, as that’s what helps your rescue dog have a smooth transition into your house and family.

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