People are often concerned about the kind of people they will meet when looking to buy a house in a different town or city. For those who are curious about the history and need to dig out some facts about Irvine city should be happy to know these things.
The land of Irvine was first populated by Gabrielino Indians about 2000 years ago. Afterward, it was sold to individuals by the government. James Irvine bought this place in the late 18th century, the reason it is named Irvine after his name. In Irvine, the total population is 238,474 with more number of females than males. Senior citizens comprise of 10% of the populations and the average age in the city of Irvine is 34.
The people in Irvine are well-educated and kind, with more than 66% of the population who have a bachelor degree. For those without a high school qualification or bachelor degree can still earn up to $20,000. The average rental rates in Irvine are $1,000 with a median house value of $688,200. Irvine is ranked far above in the list of one the safest cities to live in the US, that’s why 24% people in Irvine lives alone in their houses.