11 Must Known Interesting Things & Facts About Orthodontics

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry and we see a lot of people getting braces for straightening their teeth or various other treatments. Some people face problems in speaking or chewing food when their teeth’s are not aligned properly.  From child to adults and middle age people these treatments are taken by them.  A beautiful smile gives confidence and those who do not have straight teeth can take orthodontic treatments from an orthodontist specialist. There are a lot of things to know about orthodontics which many of us are not aware of like – Who is the father of modern Dentistry? What is the name of World’s first dental school and where it opened? Do you know all orthodontists are dentist but not all dentists are orthodontists? Here, in the infographic below on the topic 11 Interesting things and facts about orthodontics created by Syden Orthodontics you will get to know the answers of not only above question but much more to explore.
Facts About Orthodontics

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