When it comes to teeth whitening, you can expect that you will be presented with a lot of treatment options. This is no longer surprising because as one of the most in demand procedures, it can help improve one’s looks without going through invasive practices.
A teeth whitening treatment undoubtedly is an effective treatment to try. However, to make the most of the procedure, there are also important steps that you have to take.
The 72 hour period after the treatment is a crucial phase. And you have to be careful in taking care of your teeth to be sure that you will enjoy whiter teeth longer and avoid unnecessary stains. There are proper aftercare procedures and guidelines that you need to adhere to in order to maximize the results of the teeth whitening treatment.
Want to know more? We can help.
The Smile Bar, the experts in teeth whitening, features in an infographic some of the dos and don’ts after a teeth whitening treatment that you need to know. Moreover, they also offer a Nanoseal Total+, this is an add on treatment which brings down the downtime to zero. No more waiting and you can jump back to your life without affecting the results of the teeth whitening.
Infographic Source: https://the-smile-bar.ph/dos-donts-after-teeth-whitening-treatment/