Asbestosis and Asbestos Exposure

The more a person is exposed to asbestos fibers, the greater the risk of developing asbestosis or other dangerous conditions. One can be at risk for asbestos exposure if working as an electrician, plumber, janitor, shipbuilder, miner, construction worker, carpenter or firefighter. Construction, demolition or renovation may put a person at high risk. Once someone develops asbestosis, breathing problems will slowly get worse, with 15% of people experiencing severe shortness of breath and respiratory failure. Patients who have these symptoms and also have a history of exposure to asbestos need to tell their physicians all aspects about it, because that can be an important detail that would lead their doctors towards a right diagnosis. For more information regarding asbestosis, we encourage you to contact Environmental Litigation Group, P.C. and schedule an appointment for a free consultation.Asbestosis and Asbestos Exposure
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