Bed Bugs, Your Worst Nightmare

Between summer fun traveling and holiday traveling I bet you may be a little concerned about bringing home bed bugs. Or, maybe you’re concerned about staying at a hotel with bed bugs and ruining your entire vacation. These critters are disgusting and they are not easy to get rid of. If you get an infestation, purchasing a pest spray at your local market will not do the trick. The scary thing is, bed bugs are on the rise. Last year Pointe Pest Control serviced around 1500 bed beg infestations in the Northwest. This year they are predicting 2300-2500 infestation service calls. Bed bugs can hitch hike on almost anything, and they will do their best to do so. They can be in your office, your home or even on the public transportation. Check out this infographic to get a better understanding of what bed bugs look like, how to tell if you have an infestation and several other facts about these creepy night crawlers.Bed Bugs
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