If you were asked to name the one product that doesn’t have a barcode label, how long would it take for you to think of any? Quite some time, we believe.
Nowadays, barcodes can be seen on almost every product you can find in the store. It is invented in 1952 and since then it is used for tracking data about the product that carries it.
The usage of the barcode labels can significantly ease the process of inventorying the goods and make business go smoothly. That’ s why barcode labels are highly important in today’s business world.
On the other hand, there are situations when scanners are unable to read barcode labels. They are not printed properly or simply, they don’t stick to the product’s package.
Check out this infographic and learn what are the common problems that can come up with the barcode labels and what are the best ways to solve them.
Infographic Source: https://customlabels.net/common-barcode-label-problems/