As the concepts of an office evolve, enterprises that don’t keep up might find it difficult to thrive. Customers, clients and employees of this decade demand to have digital technologies breathing life into the way businesses operate, thanks to the operational efficiencies and purchase convenience it brings forth. Digital technology has made remote work practical but more often than not, enterprises promoting remote work forget about one critical element that can severely impact remote working- the communication.
As teams operate remotely, they have a challenge of being together, while being apart. To bring in the remote teams together virtually and enable them to communicate and collaborate efficiently is the challenge that needs to be addressed on priority. And enterprises mostly resort to either email or modern communication tools such as messengers/social media etc.
But here’s a problem with both. Email is sluggish and more often than not, inaccessible by frontline workers, contractors and freelancers who don’t have a corporate email ID. The messengers and social media, on the other hand, can serve as a gateway to distractions, hampering productivity while putting the data security in jeopardy.
And hence, the communication of remote teams seems a huge challenge. Without a dedicated business communication tool that practically eliminates the need for an email (think document sharing) while ensuring that the communication stays within the corporate boundaries is essential.
In this infographic, we’ve analyzed the changing needs of communication for the remote teams and who a dedicated communication suite is the real solution.
Infographic Source: