The true cost of smoking

You probably already know that smoking is an expensive habit (for your finances as well as your health), but the true cost of smoking may well come as a shock.
Figures show that a smoker in the UK who smokes a pack a day (20 cigarettes) will spend an incredible £197,000 in their lifetime on smoking. That works out at around $288,000 in US money, which is $100,000 more than the median US house price in 2014!
Indeed, in the UK, the average smoker spends more on their smoking habit each week than an average family spends on food, with the average food bill coming in at £58.50 ($85) and costs directly attributable to smoking totalling £73 ($106).
When we look at spend on smoking as a percentage of income, things don’t get any better – the average UK smoker spends 19p of every pound they earn on their smoking habit.
With statistics like these, it is safe to say that not only is smoking seriously bad for your health, it is seriously bad for your bank balance too.
cost of smoking

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