Dangers of Texting and Driving

In the century that we live in, communication has been revolutionized and people have got accustomed to having their phones around at all times.
This practice is although extremely dangerous, people don’t hesitate to do it even while they’re on the road, driving.
Texting while driving has become a habit which is very common especially among teenagers and people in their early 20s. It is also quickly becoming one of the world’s top killers. People behind the wheel assume they can juggle texting and driving, but the statistics don’t lie.Texting while driving has overtook drunken driving as a leading cause for adolescent death.
Therefore it is the need of the hour to make drivers aware. People need to be informed about the damages this habit can do, which is why you need to check out the astonishing facts listed in the infographic below:Dangers of Texting and Driving
Infographic Source: https://www.tyre-shopper.co.uk/texting-while-driving-infographic

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