East Meets West: The Differences Between Asian And Western Makeup

Are there certain beauty practices that you follow? Makeup has become a beauty essential among women because of its effects on confidence and one’s looks. Many people will agree that in some ways, makeup has been the no-fail go-to tool, especially during important occasions.
However, did you know that while there are beauty practices that seem acceptable in some regions, they may actually be not the beauty standard in other places?
Culture has a huge impact on the beauty standards that are deemed acceptable in certain regions. So if you’re from a country in Asia or if you are from Europe, you may find some practices that actually contradict the ones that you already got used to.
Want to know more? Here’s an infographic from Alyaka, UK’s online retailer of organic beauty products, that presents some of the interesting information that will help you learn better about Asian and Western beauty practices.
Infographic Source: https://www.alyaka.com/magazine/asian-makeup-vs-western-makeup/

About Nagendra

A dedicated full-time digital marketer with 12+ years of experience in the industry. Since 2015, he has been successfully running infographicportal.com, a platform that showcases high-quality infographics across various topics. Nagendra's expertise lies in creating and executing effective digital marketing strategies that drive engagement and growth. His passion for visual storytelling and commitment to excellence has made him a respected figure in the digital marketing community.

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