Ecommerce Mistakes Marketer Should Avoid

If you have an online store, you have thousands of possibilities to develop your business, because an ecommerce market is growing every day. But there are a lot of mistakes that entrepreneurs or content promoters do when working on their ecommerce stores content plan. In this article, we will take a look at the most common ecommerce mistakes you should avoid.

So, what is ecommerce and what are the most common online business mistakes you should take into account?

Ecommerce is a word that combines the process of selling and purchasing the products through electronic devices with the help of internet. There are several common ecommerce pitfalls the sellers should have in mind when selling online.

Here is the short list of them:

1. No description of products

It is perhaps one of the most common mistakes seen in many virtual stores. Many retailers do not care about the description of the products in their store and add the description they receive from suppliers.
What happens? Google prioritizes original content, so copied texts make you fall in the search result.

Also, you miss the incredible opportunity to compete because the consumer should choose your store and not dozens of others that have a similar price. Even if it is not feasible to work on creating texts for all products registered in stores, pay attention to those with higher profit margin or greater sales output, creating original and unique texts. You’ll be thinking as much about SEO as it is about your customer.

Obviously, you will not create appealing or misleading text, but rather descriptive and more appropriate to the public. In this sense, it is possible to highlight unique qualities or additional services that your store can offer. Also, pay close attention and offer a star rating system as the consumer is increasingly addicted to this feature.

2. Too many products

The very logical thought is that to sell more products, you need to have a vast catalog. However, studies on Shopify have shown that sometimes it is very inefficient. There is nothing bad about expanding your product list from time to time, but if your store is unknown, it is best not to keep inventory high.

Consequently, choose some vital products for your store and test several ideas until you find a way for your leads to materialize in sales. In other words, try tinkering with multiple variables until you find the one that makes money come in. On the internet, your competitor is just a click away from you, and the consumer searches a lot online before buying, stirring up the competition.

So, especially when just starting a business try to focus on some main your products or services, create their unique commercial offer, CTA, and content plan to promote them.

3. No work with content

To sell over the internet, you need to generate traffic to your site. In addition to social networking and Google AdWords, a very efficient way is to use what’s called Inbound Marketing, that is, let the customer come to you for their interests.

But how to do that? For example, by producing content that has a relationship with your target audience. Of course, the main purpose of your store should remain to attract visitors to convert them into customers. But educating the consumer and answering some questions with high-quality publications and unique content is one of the great tricks to increase organic traffic.

Creating Landing Pages or publications that appeal to you is the best way to get CTA (Call to Action), that is, you attract the consumer with useful texts and videos about products and services while trying to convince them to purchase via your store.

So, the key points are to create valuable blog posts for your audience that can retain and convert new customers. Don’t be afraid to try different kinds of content like video, infographics, images, ebooks, guides, and expand your content strategy on SMM.

4. Not having an appropriate design

A badly designed store is sure to have conversion issues. And when we talk about design, we are not only talking about aesthetics, beauty, but functionality as well. The website has to have a cohesive visual identity so that the navigation flows and conveys all the feelings that you want your client to experience.
Logo, lettering, colors, etc. All of this is important, but above all, you need to understand that the design goes far beyond that. You should study what devices and resolutions your customer comes to on your site and ensure that it is tailored to meet the needs of the audience.

Also, keep improving your site design regularly considering your business goals, content types and CRO principles. Get inspired by giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Google, who instead of big changes, always make small and constant changes not to stress their user base and also test dozens of hypotheses.

5. Have a long checkout

Every second and every click you reduce from the buying process will increase sales. You can not hinder the life of your audience and certainly do not want to have a high bounce rate, with multiple consumers coming to buy products, but not completing the final payment step.

Putting items in the cart, putting the payment information and making the purchase have to be quick and easy. That’s why the giants of e-commerce divide it into short, quick steps. So, if you are going to use a ready platform you need to study it before choosing the right one. Find out what consumers are talking about in the process of using these platforms and make conclusions.

6. Do not use email marketing

Despite the decrease of popularity of email, it is still used daily, and many promotions and warnings are passed through emails to consumers. Carrying email campaigns are low in costs and are one of the main points of your contact with customers.

Moreover, you can combine your content marketing strategy together with email marketing. For example, it can be sending the email informing about publishing a new blog post or video on your channel that would be interesting for the receiver. You can use a newsletter signup or create some guidelines for users to promote your blog and business entirely.

Thus, email marketing is still efficient and generates the conversion; you have to find out the correct message to send to your audience to attract attention to your brand.

So, we’ve analyzed the website mistakes a lot of businesses make. Of course, we can’t predict how to do ecommerce for every particular case or what to sell on ecommerce site. However, you can take into account our basic tips and start improving your website today!

About the Author:

Bella Hamilton is a writer and editor working at writing service Essays.Vip. She has MA degree in the philology, works with the text of different types and is fond of blogging. Thus, Bella writes the content on the numerous subjects including education, psychology, business, but not limiting these one. So if you have any questions feel free to ask her in the comments below.

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