It is almost certain that you’ve visited a site of experiential design in recent memory. University buildings, museums, hospitals, airports, train stations, government buildings, public parks, offices, theme parks, festivals, and trade shows are all common places that employ experiential design to convey lasting, positive impressions on visitors. Perhaps you even experience such a place every day if you work, study, or commute through spaces like these.
Experiential design comes in a huge variety of forms, but it always involves a process of immersing visitors. This process has the goal of encouraging visitors to engage with their surroundings. For example, public transportation hubs can be experientially designed so that commuters move through the space efficiently and feel positive about the experience. A University library or office space may be designed with a variety of workspaces that take into account different learning and work styles. A museum exhibit may be designed to give visitors the feeling of living in the historical era that is its subject.
This immersion can be achieved in a number of ways, all of which depend on the end goal of the space. This infographic from Coastal Creative demonstrates 8 key considerations of experiential design.