Fashion Week Starter Packs

As one of the biggest industries on the planet both economically and historically, Fashion commands a global audience. Every six months the Fashion folk are out in force attending the next season’s shows in the ‘Big Four’ cities; New York, London, Paris and Milan.
The fashion pack can be a diverse bunch, with jealousy-inducing Instagram and street-style obsessiveness, these four weeks twice a year can be like a circus! By far, the best part of Fashion Month are the bunch who attend the shows; the stereotypes! Because after all, what goes on outside the fashion show tents is way more fascinating than what goes inside and on the runways themselves!
So we decided to have a little fun with these fashion week stereotypes and the starter pack meme phenomenon that is taking the Internet by storm and created six stylish starter packs depicting our favourite stereotypes. Gird your Loins; it’s Fashion Month!
Fashion Week Starter Packs
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