Frozen Food Recommended Storage Times infographic shows how long different types of food can be frozen. For example, it features information on how long it is safe to store frozen breads, fruits and vegetables, meat, seafood, dairy, beverages, as well as what types of food do not freeze well.
The infographic also includes a few additional tips on proper freezing, such as making sure that the packaging is shut tight and no air can get in.
This resource can be a handy companion in the kitchen for people who buy frozen food or who often freeze meals cooked on weekends, thus saving time during the hectic workweek. It can be printed out and applied to a fridge or freezer for quick and easy reference. People can also embed it on their blog or website, and help spread information about safe food freezing.
Note that the recommended food storage times are not valid for food that hasn’t been properly frozen (for example, food that came into contact with air).