Gastrointestinal Cancer and Asbestos Exposure

More than 140,000 people are annually found to suffer from colorectal cancer in the United States, whereas approximately 28,000 Americans receive a stomach cancer diagnosis every year. While the lifetime risk of developing the former of is 1 in 22, for the latter it is 1 in 125. Both colorectal and stomach cancer are part of a larger group of malignant diseases known as gastrointestinal cancer, whose precise causes are not entirely clear to researchers at present. Nevertheless, several risk factors, such as excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, obesity, and being older than 60, have been identified hitherto. Asbestos exposure, although not officially, is also a risk factor for the many forms of gastrointestinal cancer. People who drink asbestos-tainted water increase their chances of developing a terrible disease by 450%. The vast majority of asbestos victims are people who came in contact with it in occupational settings, primarily in industrial facilities. If you struggle with gastrointestinal cancer and were the employer of a company notorious for using asbestos, please contact Environmental Litigation Group, P.C. to recover the financial compensation you deserve.
Gastrointestinal Cancer and Asbestos Exposure
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