Twenty Ways That Handwriting Benefits You and Your Studies

Writing by hand has always been an integral part of our culture. However, during the last few decades, the development of technologies and word-processing software have almost eliminated handwriting from our lives. Now, we type messages instead of writing long letters to our loved ones, and we even make shopping lists using mobile and desktop apps.
Technology has made our lives easier and granted access to information to people with disabilities and learning problems. However, we should not neglect the benefits of handwriting. For example, writing an essay with only a pen and a blank sheet of paper allows us to stay free from digital noise. Additionally, handwriting brings us more freedom in the formatting our texts: we can add marks, highlights, and notes wherever we want.
Want to learn more reasons why we still need handwriting?
Check out the infographic below to learn 20 ways that handwriting benefits you and your studies.
Twenty Ways That Handwriting Benefits You and Your Studies
Infographic Source:

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