Although the first case of HIV was discovered in 1959, it wasn’t until 1981 that HIV was known to be in America. HIV spread like a wildfire through the United States during the 1980s and 1990s. HIV was so infectious, it become the leading cause of death among Americans aged 25-44. Those numbers were enough to give HIV and AIDS the awareness it needed to turn the tide and teach prevention. The music industry was one of the first to respond and spread awareness. Not only in the United States, but to the world. Concerts by Michael Jackson and others raised millions for research and development. HIV was an epidemic in the 1990s, but thanks to a world “uniting,” everyone was well educated on preventing this terrible disease. The FDA approved the first protease inhibitor in 1995. This began a new era of strong treatment and response called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). By 1997, HAART was the standard of treatment for HIV. As of 2016, there’s still no cure. But modern day medications allow you to live your life and everyday that passes, we hope to get closer to a cure. Our hope with this infographic is to build awareness for HIV and continue to preach prevention.
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I will says to the world to celebrate this great testimony with me, i never believe i can ever get rid of these horrible disease one day. My story and thanksgiving goes to Dr SALAMI the powerful man who help me to CURE MY HIV/AIDS disease from my life. I don’t know how to say this to everyone, Dr SALAMI is a truthful man with high herbs power’s he uses to save people’s life. Last few days i came in contact with Dr SALAMI emails on the internet which people gave much testimonies about his kind fullness work. So i decided to contact him quickly because this disease was almost on the last step of taking my life from me. I have tried all my best in life to get heal but nobody could ever help apart from Dr SALAMI who finally help me to cure my HIV disease from me. I always amazed and overwhelmed when the doctor confirm that i am now healed from hiv and aids, and now, i am an HIV/AIDS NEGATIVE PATIENT. I wish anyone who is sick today and wants a healing please i will kindly advice you to contact this man called Dr SALAMI now at: To get this powerful healer full article and trust on his origination and references please visit him now again at: or contact his phone number +2348103919680..