How Technology is Changing the Way We Do Real Estate

Today’s generation of home buyers utilize and rely on technology throughout every aspect of their life, including when it comes to purchasing a home, one of the biggest decisions they will ever make.

Millennials make up the largest home buying generation and they are constantly fixated on instant gratification. When buyers begin their search for a home online, they use a mobile website or app to look for their home and the real estate industry is due for an update to catch up with this growing group of tech-savvy home buyers.

Technology has transformed the way home buyers and agents do real estate, and a free on-demand real estate agent app, 10MinRealty, is at the forefront of this technology change.

This infographic illustrates how technology is used throughout the industry. Real estate agents need to connect with potential home buyers through a wide variety of technology platforms, including social media, mobile apps and the Internet.


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