How to Mod your Motorhome for the Zombie Apocalypse

What steps have you taken to make sure you will be able to survive a zombie apocalypse?

Successfully surviving a zombie hoard is all in the planning. That is why we have sat down and designed, what we think, is a motorhome perfectly suited to surviving the apocalypse.

You will need the essential items within easy reach, to be able to cross any terrain without thinking, and to not need to do any shopping for last minute items when the time comes!

Explore our zombie-proof motorhome by scrolling down the page, taking in both the inside and the outside of the vehicle. We have also hidden a few items you may recognize from TV, Movies and Video Games in the motorhome.

What do you think? Did we miss anything out that would be vital for survival? Then get in contact with us and let us know on either Facebook & Twitter.

How to Mod your Motorhome for the Zombie Apocalypse
Infographic Source:

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