How to Pass Hair Drug Testing Using the Macujo Method

In 1996, Proposition 215 legalized the use of medical marijuana in the state of California. Since then, Californians who are 21 years old and above can legally buy marijuana and use it for recreation, thanks to the approval of Proposition 64.

Right now in the United States, there are 31 states that have legalized medical marijuana and 9 states that have legally allowed adults to use it for recreation. However, even though cannabis approval ratings are at an all-time high, with 61 percent of Americans in agreement of legalizing marijuana, many organizations and institutions still have zero-tolerance rules on marijuana use.

For example, workplaces have strict regulations about passing drug testing. Most employers require potential employees to undergo drug testing before getting hired. They also conduct random drug testing within a year. Depending on the company’s policies on drug use, an employee whose result is positive may get in deep trouble or, worse, get fired on the spot.

Hair drug testing is commonly used for workplace checkups. Fortunately, there’s a way to beat a hair drug test without resorting to drastic measures. It’s called the Macujo method.

The Macujo method is a seven-step deep-cleansing method using specific products that can usually be found in most homes. The method works to remove all traces of THC metabolites from the follicles to the tips of your hair.

This method was first published in in the early 2000s and has gained wide popularity in marijuana users who want to pass hair drug tests because of its 90 percent success rate.

How to Pass Hair Drug Testing Using the Macujo Method
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