Keeping Kids Hydrated

Coffee, tea, soda pop, milk, juice, wine, and many more–we could really say that there are a lot of beverages out there in the market. It’s quite a booming industry if you think about it. Some, like coffee, have already been ingrained in our daily lives that they already changed our lifestyles and, in effect, our cultures. But, whatever happened to plain old water?

In 2009, studies have shown that bottled water only accounted for 15.3% of global consumption. In UAE, the figures aren’t that much different. In a study reported in 2013, UAE residents consume about an average of 300 cans of soft drinks a year, placing fifth in the world rankings. So what does that have to do with us?

Dehydration is a physiological condition that varies in the magnitude of manifestation—from thirst to death. Sadly, it is often left unchecked and many people are still misinformed about the importance of keeping oneself hydrated properly—with water. Dehydration affects everyone, everywhere.

If you want to keep yourself in tip-top shape, why not read up on this crash course on dehydration infographic provided by—the first online portal for afterschool activities in the UAE.

Keeping Kids Hydrated

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