How You Can Find The Help And Resources You Need To Thrive In Life Outside The Military

There are many resources out there for military veterans, but it can be challenging to know where to look. It is best to consider your options early on before you actually leave the service. You should talk to others in the military to get their advice and input. There are often opportunities to speak with veterans about their experiences which can be invaluable in helping you navigate this challenging transition.

Consider Your Career Options

As a military veteran, you will have plenty of transferable skills. Working in the emergency or medical professions are common choices for veterans, as their experience in high-pressure situations can make them qualified for the world. Consider your strengths and the things you enjoy to find where your civilian calling could be.

Find A Place To Call Home

Leaving the military allows you to settle in one place. Consider the different places you and your family could live. Ensure you are close to your support system as you will need them for the challenging transition.

Have A Routine When You Leave

The shift from the routine of military life to civilian freedoms can be tough. Setting a routine for your civilian life can keep you grounded. Have a morning and evening routine to improve sleep.

Find Appropriate Childcare

Many childcare facilities offer discounted rates to veterans, which is invaluable for anyone looking for work. Get in touch with local childcare providers to find out more. There are also charities run for veterans that offer free childcare.

See What Help Businesses Are Offering

Businesses across the country offer discounted or free services and products for veterans. Take a look at this extensive list of veteran resources from Hero Loan, who offer home loans to veterans. Always check what a business offers to veterans before you use them.

Get Careers And Resume Advice

Talk to a professional careers advisor to help you find the right job. Tailoring your resume to civilian work is essential. Use a career advisor’s help to identify the transferrable skills you learned in the military.

Talk To Your Commanding Officer

Ask your CO for advice on where to find resources. They will direct you to government, charity and business partners who can help ease the transition.

Consider Ways To Keep Fit Outside The Military

Maintain your fitness routine. Consider new exercises like yoga which can be beneficial for mental health and strengthening the body.

Ask For Help With Your Finances

Talk to a financial advisor. Ensure you have enough money saved to help you through the transition. Find out more about how to choose a financial advisor here.

Get Mental Health Help When You Need It

Talk to a licensed counsellor or therapist if you’re struggling with your mental health. Discuss the transition with them and ask for their help finding healthy coping mechanisms.

Build Your Support System

Move close to loved ones once you leave the military. Connect with other veterans through things like support groups. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

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