How Demolition Contractors Use Long-reach & High-reach Excavators

When it comes to demolition, we need to reexamine the word. These days demolition is more about deconstruction. What does that mean? Well, both long-reach and high-reach excavators are capable of dismantling a building in ways that allow for previous “waste” materials to be recycled, such as scrap metal, bricks, wooden beans, and much more.

As the construction world continues to evolve, and older buildings are removed to make room for new developments, these powerful tools are certainly the linchpins of modern demolition. Their versatility meets all challenges. Here Oregon demolition contractors not only explain the different uses of these types of excavators, they also provide valuable insight into how advanced attachments (think scoopers, crushers, magnets, and more) can help spur economic growth through deconstruction.

The demolition and wrecking industry continues to grow, especially as new construction replaces old. If you’re interested in environmental protection, or just love learning about how machines work, check this out!


1 thought on “How Demolition Contractors Use Long-reach & High-reach Excavators”

  1. This is some really good information about demolition equipment. Using an excavator seems like the quickest way to demolish something. Also, it would speed up the clean up time as well. That would be a huge bonus for me.


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