Many years ago, life was much simpler in terms of choices for media. We could watch TV live or on DVDs. Media was usually consumed on a television or in the movie theater. Nowadays, we have many more choices such as social media, streaming video, video on demand, and DVR. Saturday morning cartoons no longer have to be viewed on Saturday morning anymore thanks to all the new technology and media options we have today. In addition, we can watch a whole television series at once on services such as Amazon Prime and Netflix. In this infographic looking at data from the Nielsen Total Audience Report, Amy Medeiros of Broadband Search discovers fascinating trends when it comes to media consumption in the United States. In fact, media consumption has to do more with life stage than age. For this infographic, we broke up life stages into on your own, starting a family, and dependent adults. We hope you find this infographic informative and thought-provoking.
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