Mental Health Under Quarantine

It’s easy to let the state of pandemia drive you into a rabbit hole of depressive thoughts, especially with the increased amount of time we’re spending in our homes. However, it’s important to remember our mental health is always in our control. Don’t let the weight of the world and the craziness of COVID-19 impact your mental health.

This infographic will provide you with an analysis of what social isolation can do to your mental health, how to adjust to our new normal of quarantining, things you can do to alleviate your stress symptoms, and digital resources you can turn to for mental health treatment.

During this crisis, it’s crucial for us to take steps in staying mentally healthy and strong. Create a routine, keep your home clean, stay active, and count your blessings. Doing so will not only help you stay mindful, but can also reduce your risk of spiraling into physical health issues. How are you coping with the COVID-19 quarantine?

Mental Health Under Quarantine
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