It’s no secret that technology is an evolving creature. No practices, software, or platforms ever stay the same. Sometimes it can be hard to adapt and grow when get comfortable and stuck in our ways, but with technology, this cannot be the case.
We must never be afraid to keep learning, growing, changing, and moving forward. With that being said, this infographic showcases Office 2013; the 15th version of Microsoft’s popular desktop software.
This version is the beginning of the software’s getting its’ feet wet to so speak with the adoption of tablets, smart phones, and more. This infographic will help you answer questions regarding Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Outlook, and Microsoft OneNote.
What are these changes? What do they mean to you? Well for starters, “Clippy” is history, custom XML has been removed due to a court ruling which decreed it was a patent infringement. What else is in store with Microsoft Office 2013?
Check out the infographic and learn today!
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