The Mythical Creatures of Nature

This collection covers mythical creatures from 15 countries that are connected to nature this way or another: they lives in forests, protect them from strangers, or they are a part of it. Unlike chimeras,vampires, and other monstrous creatures these are very family-friendly. Some of them, like Kapre, Spriggan, and Leshy do show up in stories as negative characters, but they are not as scary and violent.

Unicorn is presented in this collection as an example of purity and beauty. He is also famous for being a great help and companion for mythical heroes.

Kodama, from Japan, is probably the weirdest one out there. In its duties at protecting the trees it resembles the Greek dryads. But unlike dryads who look like humans, these littles guys are invisible most of the time.

Some of these character were incorporated by different cultures. And each of them can definitely make a good story of its own.

Nature Mythical Creatures
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