This infographic was created from data provided in the Single Family Snapshot from HUD. This shows some of the interesting data about the HECM (reverse mortgage) market nationwide.
The reason I created this infographic is that I was unable to find much in the way of data for the reverse mortgage market other than the top 100 lenders nationwide. I wanted to know how my business stacked up against national averages as well as how the HECM was being used by borrowers.
There were a few of the things that I personally found interesting about this data. The firs was how small of a percentage the HECM for Purchase program was compared to the overall number of endorsements.
The second was that four states, CA, NY, FL and TX, accounted for a little over 45% of the endorsements, with California alone accounting for 22% of all endorsements nationwide. I hope you enjoy the data as much as I enjoyed putting it all together.